Thrive Creative Labs
Goliath Charters Key West logo

Goliath Charters Key West

Capt. Craig Clopper was practically raised on the water and has been fishing his entire life. His burning passion for the outdoors and sharing that passion make him the perfect client for Thrive.

Logo Design

A big fan and specialist of goliath grouper fishing, when we designed Capt. Craig’s logo we knew that needed to be included.

Website Content

As part of our guide program, custom content is a staple in each website we create for fishing charters and guides.

Website Design / Development

Located in the Lower Florida Keys, we wanted to vivid colors of the water there to show through in Capt. Craig’s website. In addition, we added color pops to help create a feel of overall excitement and fun – just what he serves up on a daily basis!

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